Monday, June 2, 2014


It's time to know their secret.(NEW) LIKE US ON FACEBOOK!

    Do you know Henry Sy? He is one fit example to illustrate the difference between Linear Work and Leverage Work. Rich people are well acquainted to the science
and art of Leverage Work, Leverage Time and Leverage Money. In the same sense, poor people only knows Linear Work, Time and Money; but, they are not to
be blamed, because it runs in the educational system in any countries. Only the School Owners know leverage.
    To understand further what Linear and Leverage is... Watch this animated story video...


     Clear enough? Let your idea do the leverage for you. Instead of doing everything, work with people. 95% of Filipinos work on Linear while 5% are on Leverage. The 95% are employed, and the 5% employ...results? The 95% are poor and mid class while the 5% are rich. To relate with Henry Sy, imagine he has one mall. In that mall, he employs, say, 1,000 workers. Each workers spend 8 hours per day to work for Henry Sy. Doing a little math, that's 1,000 employees x 8 hours = 8,000 hours per day. And you wonder why Henry Sy is BIGTIME? He just save 8,000 hrs per day while having himself in a big vacation - earning while sleeping in a five star hotel in Hawaii. That's all because he knows the Art of Leverage. Now if you want to become Big time, learn this art too. It's not too late.

 See also:

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